Monday, November 18, 2013

EverQuest Next coming to PS4?

So far, MMORPG EverQuest Next has been confirmed only for PC, but it appears a PlayStation 4 version may be in the works, according to a tease from Sony Online Entertainment president John Smedley.
"We haven't announced, technically, that we're putting it on PlayStation 4, but it's fair to say that we're a Sony company so, you know, I say that with a smile on my face," Smedley told GamerHub TV (via CVG). "I can't wait to see it on the PS4."
Producer David Georgeson said in August that SOE is focused principally on the PC version of EverQuest Next.
"We're very serious about this being a PC-orientated launch. Now, you're dumb not to explore other options with a business of this type, but we're very serious about developing for the PC," he said at the time.
If EverQuest Next does come to PS4, it would not be the first MMO from SOE to hit the next-generation console. DC Universe Online is currently available on PS4, while PlanetSide 2 will be released for the console next year.
An alpha period for EverQuest Next Landmark--the worldbuilding tool for EverQuest Next--will begin in February, 2014 for those who purchase the recently announced Founders Packs. No release date for EverQuest Next itself has been announced.
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